They say it takes an engineer to own and maintain a motor home, right Gloria and Fred? Gary discovered a very faulty installation of the temperature sensor of the house batteries in our motor home - a manufacturer (Monaco) error. It has probably been this way from day 1. The result is that the batteries do not recharge properly and hence, if we are dry camped, or really looking at the behavior of the batteries, we could see that they weren't ever fully charged or recharging properly. It's this point in their age, they are probably shot.
Gary spent several hours on this problem today, plus we both did a tedious driving trek on the Tamiami Trail (a busy highway) going down to Sam's Club to buy 4 new 6 volt batteries to replace the old ones. Upon returning home, and upon trying to install them, it was found that they were 1/4 inch too wide to fit in the compartment, no way to make them work. So...back down the Tamiami to take them back. They weigh 50 pounds each, so Gary lifted at least 1000 pounds today due to multiple attempts to position them, getting them in and out of the car, in and out of the shopping cart, etc.
So I guess that, in addition to needing skills in engineering and troubleshooting, a motor home owner also needs to be a weight lifter!
We believe we have identified a battery that will work, available at a nearby golf cart sales store, so Monday Gary will repeat his weight lifting exercises, hopefully with success!
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