Jelks is a 600 acre preserve, with Nature Conservancy support, and has 8 miles of trails. We walked about 3 of those miles. It is a wonderful birding area. We saw 5 or 6 red bellied woodpeckers, a Carolina wren, and a blue-headed vireo. Heard lots of other birds but couldn't see them. We saw several little armadillos which are everywhere here.
The views of the river were lovely.

A view of the pathway.

I snapped this photo of a broken branch in the path which had air plants growing on it. We saw this type of vegetation on many of the trees.

There apparently are numerous wild pigs in the area. They are quite destructive and animal control personnel have to remove them from time to time. They are just feral pigs, and not native to Florida. We didn't see any but we did see signs of their activity. They did this (photo below) to almost every trail we were on. The paths are sand which underlies the area. The sand has been aggressively dug, turned over and foraged in.

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