Saturday, February 27, 2016

Lovers Key

Today we walked almost 5 miles in Lovers Key State Park. The trails wind along the channels of waters adjacent to the Gulf, so there is always water nearby as well as abundant wildlife. The flat sandy trails remind me of the Riparian Preserve in Gilbert, AZ because of the foliage and the winding nature of the trail system. A really great place to walk.

We saw a gopher tortoise. From this photo it is hard to tell the size but it was at least 15 inches in diameter, and it was anything but afraid of us. It was chomping away at the leaves and grasses, and gradually mosied on down the path.

We also saw an Eastern screech owl, up in a dead tree, sleeping in a hole in the trunk of the tree. This is a photo from the iBird app. My camera is not up to getting this kind of photo.
I am not sure what the plants are here, but colors and juxtaposition of plants in the area was so pretty.

A really nice day.