After we checked in with the tour people, we found we had enough time for a short run. Looking at the Google map we discovered that we are just minutes away from the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden, so we decided to jog over. They have reciprocal privileges with the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum, so we just showed our membership card to gain admittance.
It is much much smaller than the Minnesota Arboretum. It is so dry here that it is hard to comment on the flora - nothing looks really great. There are some nice specimen trees, but very little is in bloom - due to the time of year mostly. We looped both roads. I took a photo of the carriage house on the grounds - a beautiful building.
Also took a photo of this strange looking tree which was in bloom. One blossom was hanging down against the trunk to produce a wonderful effect.
On the way out was a view of a little cottage called The Queen Anne Cottage (1885-86). Don't know anything more about it.
On our run back in a nice neighborhood we encountered quite a few peacocks and peahens just running free, probably escapees from the Arboretum. They were completely unperturbed by us.
Tomorrow the Rose Festival activities begin.