We spent three days in Dubois, WY (that is an American pronunciation: Du boys - the French probably would not approve). Dubois is another very charming small Wyoming town at the eastern edge of Grand Teton National Park. We were camped right on the Wind River and it was in the Top 10 Best Campsites We Have Had.
The town has a distinctly Western flavor with a population of just under 1000.
We had one pretty hike at Brooks Lake along a trail with meadow views and the rock mountains of the Wind River Range in the background.
On the way to Dubois, we fueled in another town and encountered a very large convoy of Haliburton oil field trucks, also fueling. There were about 12 that looked very similar to this. We have run into oil exploration equipment in many more states than I would have guessed, although of course, Wyoming has had lots of oil for quite some time.
From Dubois we drove the short distance to Grand Teton National Park where we have been camped for three days. Technically we are not in either national park (Teton or Yellowstone), but in the area in between - at Flagg Ranch. We are in an absolute dead zone for any cell service - nothing at all! So I am writing this blog but will have to post it later.
On our first evening we made a nostalgic journey up to Old Faithful and had dinner in the wonderful old lodge. All the national park lodges are just beautiful. Old Faithful was renovated not too long ago and it looks great. It was raining a little, but after dinner we opened our one umbrella and went out to wait for Old Faithful to erupt, huddled together for warmth and to stay dry. It erupts pretty much on time, regularly, but no longer hourly.
A truck had gone off the road prior to our journey up to Old Faithful, and we had an hour wait while a tow truck hauled it out of the ditch. Don't know if there were any injuries. The white truck off the road is barely visible on the left. The ranger was managing the huge backup caused by the delay.
The second day we went kayaking on Lewis Lake. No photos, but it was a nice paddle, and it didn't rain on us! We stopped to see Lewis Falls on the Lewis River.
The next day we had a lovely hike along the Snake River with viewpoints into the canyon below. The wildflowers are at peak.