We had another lovely drive today through the rest of South Dakota. Everywhere one looks, you see nothing but green grasses over the rolling hills. The Black Hills are also very green and there is lots of water!
We stopped at the overlook on I-90 near Chamberlin to see the Missouri River which looks normal this year. Severe flooding happened several years ago - we saw that in Pierre and couldn't believe the amount of water being discharged at Oahe Dam from the reservoir, which was just one of many dams where this was also necessary. The releases caused flooding along much of the Missouri.
We saw this great little motorcycle trailer in the parking lot at the overlook. If you look closely, you will see Woody of Toy Story driving the covered wagon.
We continued on to Devils Tower, Wyoming, where we are in a lovely campground tonight. We have a view of Devils Tower from our campsite.
This afternoon we walked along the Belle Fourche River.
And oh, yes, there is a very large prairie dog community along the river!
The movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" shows nightly here. We didn't go but thought about going. Saw it years ago when it first came out.
Tomorrow we will do a hike at the Tower.
If I actually get this posted it will be a miracle. There is very weak cell service here, and the campground WiFi is poor, but it is surely beautiful!