Yesterday we took the Skytrain into downtown Vancouver. We wandered around the Gastown area: many old buildings and a very trendy area.
This is the Steamclock, an amazing old clock the chimes of which are steam powered. People stand around waiting for the clock to chime on the quarter hour. It sounds a lot like a steam boat's horn, and does a complete Westminster chimes sequence.

The iconic Canada Place, used during the summer Olympics, now a very big convention center.

Looking across to the boat house at Stanley Park

This is a piece of art along the waterfront. It is how the buildings on the waterfront used to look. This fishing shack art piece is made entirely of aluminum, but you have to get right next to it to see that!

This fanciful little house in Stanley Park is made of cob.

Many many boats of every description are along the waterfront, including these cute houseboats.

Today we went to the Van Dusen Gardens where the rhododendrons were at their absolute peak, as well as many other May flowering plants. It was spectacular!

I have to post one photo of what we saw on a walk the first afternoon we were here. We took a walk along the Burnaby Lake trail near our RV park. Beautiful forest! But when we reached a point of land jutting into the lake, we were amazed to see about 20 wood ducks! They were so tame they didn't seem to mind us at all.

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