We are at an RV park right next to one of the 100+ wineries now in this area. When we came to this area in the 90s there were just a handful.
We walked over to the Eos Estate winery's tasting room and tried a few very excellent wines. The catering service there (one man, I think) who makes appetizers there primarily for tasters' lunches took an order for dinner from another RV park couple. We decided to add to the order for ourselves. Good decision! It was delivered to our door about one hour later. It was an absolutely delicious pasta primavera with Italian spicy sausage and a wonderful green salad with poached pears, candied pecans and goat cheese. What a treat!
We walked around the park after dinner and spied this RV, an early 60's Streamline Travel Car. There were only a few made, according to some Web info. And the big surprise: the company making it was bought by Newell, now making $1 million plus motorhomes!

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