Sunday, July 22, 2012

Home again

We arrived home yesterday afternoon. The RV is in the "barn", and most of our stuff is back in Minneapolis, except my iPad which I inconveniently left in the RV! (Will get it next week)

We had a hot drive from Bozeman, MT, traveling through the Dakotas on I90 to I94. Came back in to the US near Shelby, MT on I15. BTW, the drive from Shelby to Bozeman on I15 is beautiful, following the Missouri River and then swinging slightly west through a beautiful river canyon of a name I don't remember. Stopped for lunch at a great overlook of a narrow canyon.

We had a lovely day hike near Bozeman, at Hyalite Canyon, where we hiked up to a beautiful waterfall.

Along this trail one can pass at least 10 waterfalls if you do the entire 10 mile round trip hike. Montana, North and South Dakota, and indeed, northern Minnesota are very green. No signs of the severe drought that has hit some of the mid West. That was good to see. We know that Alaska continues to be cold and wet. Getting readjusted to heat will take a few days.

Good to be back! Lots of projects to complete on the RV before our next trip in the spring!

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Saturday, July 14, 2012

A summary of our return from Alaska

We are just south of Edmonton, AB, tonight. Monday, when we were on the Kenai Peninsula, seems like a year ago! It is now Saturday night

We traveled back over the Alaska Highway, from Anchorage through Palmer and then through Gennallen and Tok, and on to the Alaska/Yukon border. The Alaska portion of the highway is in pretty good shape, nothing that 45-50 mph with adequate application of brakes from time to time for frost heaves, dips and ruts won't manage.

But then we went back over the portion in the Yukon, and that was truly horrific. In May it was not yet "road construction" season. But by early July they were in full swing. So we encountered not only the old, long unfixed frost heaves and breaks from the Yukon border to Destruction Bay, but also various other highway sections all the way to Whitehorse and really, almost all the way to Ft Nelson, undergoing the perpetual fixes and re-construction that occur. Usually this means either extended sections of gravel highway, or extended sections of seal coating (BTW, I HATE seal coating! Let there be no doubt about that! I think trucks just love to see how fast they can go and how much dust and how many rocks they can throw at RVs!) With either gravel road or seal coating, you are truly jinxed.

We are, therefore, "injured". Seven rock dings in the Saturn windshield at last count (new windshield required), 2 rock dings in the RV windshield (can be repaired), and the hydraulic tank for the levelers cracked due to the frost heaves (can be replaced by Gary. He's done it before). Currently we have no levelers. This is not a huge problem, but on unlevel parking sites, the inside feels, well, unlevel. We have heavy rock damage to the front of our poor, trusty Saturn. We are undecided about the repair we will do to the car body.

Now, in all candor, one can take steps to minimize this kind of damage (and in the past we have done this) - a rock guard mounted on the front of the car, car windshield screens. Did we do this? No. Gary thought about it, but we optimistically decided that it would be fine. We had made it up there in May with no problem. So it would be no problem on the return journey. Wrong! (This being said, there is nothing you can do about the RV windshield to protect that. And the cracked hydraulic tank? Well, that just happened.)

My bottom line to future travelers on the Alaska Highway (especially the Yukon portion): We were there 18 years ago, and then again 9 years ago, and the highway is no better today than it was then.

But otherwise we are fine. And these are all things that can be fixed.

We will be back in the US tomorrow, coming in at Shelby, Montana. Still some miles to go, but we are on our way.

It was all worth it. Some things you just can't put a price on. Having such great fun with family in such a beautiful place is priceless.

PS: For anyone who was paying attention to what I said our intended route back was: I said we would be on the Cassiar Highway, avoiding the Alaska Highway altogether, but we decided that with the leveler problem and a problem with one of our slides, it would be better not to do that. So we chose the other route. Interesting because we might have avoided all the rock damage. But the Cassiar was an unknown thing. We have been over it before when large portions were unpaved, muddy and/or dusty, and we read that while more is now paved, there are lots of frost heaves. Who knows? We never will.

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Sunday, July 8, 2012

A quick summary

Tonight is the first night Gary and I have been just the two of us in three weeks. It has gone by so fast and was so great. First Chip and Penelope for two full, happy wonderful weeks and then Rob, Maria, Henry and Annie for 5 1/2 wonderful days.

We covered a lot of territory in that time: halibut fishing, exploring Halibut Cove near Homer, two bus trips to Kantishna in the back country at Denali Park including seeing so many wonderful wild animals, and one spectacular flight seeing trip back out from Kantishna to the park entrance, fishing in the Kenai River, hiking to Exit Glacier, gold panning, a tour of Gold Dredge Number 8, two fabulous boat tours of the Kenai Fjords Natl Park, and riding in a cart pulled by a team of Alaskan huskies through the forest as they keep in shape during the summer. Lots of laughs, great meals, great conversations, and satisfaction at seeing this beautiful state.

I posted photos on Facebook and that's about what I can do for now. WiFi is underpowered at best and non existent in many places. Facebook seems to work better than anything else.

We are in a nice RV park on the Glenn Highway tonight, just below the snow line. It has been cool and wet much of our time here, if not just downright cold. The only nice weather was in Fairbanks. This strange weather pattern persists. It snowed two nights ago in the mountains near Seward. Some are wondering if this is still last winter or the start of next winter!

We will be back on the Alaska Highway by tomorrow, and will then head down the Cassiar Highway, for anybody who wants to look on a map. Then we will head east through the Canadian Rockies before re-entering the lower 48.

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